

sri 9 years ago

Get emotionally involved?

If you are emotionally involved with METANOTES then you will feel invested in the platform more and more over time.

sri 9 years ago

Doctors care about Outcomes.

Physicians are generally concerned with outcomes and must therefore know the telos of a given treatment paradigm.

sri 9 years ago

Business looks at STAKEHOLDERS

Teleological analysis of business ethics leads to consideration of the full range of stakeholders in any business decision, including the management, the staff, the customers, the shareholders, the country, humanity and the environment.

sri 9 years ago

wikipedia: teleology

A teleology is an account of a given thing's purpose. For example, a teleological explanation of why forks have prongs is that this design helps humans eat certain foods; stabbing food to help humans eat is what forks are for.

A purpose that is imposed by a human use, such as that of a fork, is called extrinsic.[1] Natural teleology contends that natural entities have intrinsic purposes, irrespective of human use or opinion. For instance, Aristotle claimed that an acorn's intrinsic telos is to become a fully grown oak tree.[2]

sri 9 years ago


the INTRINSIC aspect of the purpose set is the TELOS.

There can be many uses that individuals can impose on METANOTES, but the TELOS of METANOTES is something universal, something that it is for itself.

sri 9 years ago


For what PURPOSE does METANOTES exist?

sri 9 years ago

a place to THINK

honestly that is what I do here, I come here to brainstorm and unleash the power of my unconscious mind.

sri 9 years ago

What would Plato say?

To give a physical description of Socrates' body is to say that Socrates is sitting, but it does not give us any idea why it came to be that he was sitting in the first place.

To say why he was sitting and not not sitting, we have to explain what it is about his sitting that is good. Because all things brought about (i.e., all products of actions) are brought about because the actor saw some good in them.

Thus, to give an explanation of something is to determine what about it is good. Its goodness is its actual cause - its purpose, telos or "reason for which".

sri 9 years ago

Lucretius disagrees...

Nothing is made in order that we may use it. What happens to exist is the cause of its use.

sri 9 years ago

Hegel: all opposition is working together anyway

Hegel conceived of the 'totality' of mutually antagonistic world-views and life-forms in history as being 'goal-driven', that is, oriented towards an end-point in history.

The 'objective contradiction' of 'subject' and 'object' would eventually 'sublate' into a form of life that leaves violent conflict behind.

sri 9 years ago