

How to explain what this is?

sri 9 years ago


The Applied Solion ion implantation system uses production proven platform technology to set new benchmarks in precision, productivity and flexibility for crystalline silicon PV cell manufacturing.

The Solion system enables cell manufacturers to achieve a combination of increased cell efficiency with lower production cost. The ion implantation mechanism provides unique advantages over traditional thermal diffusion doping to create higher efficiency p-n junctions. The Solion system delivers higher precision and process control for improved junction quality which improves cell uniformity and tighter cell binning.

The Applied Solion system delivers superior cell performance and yield using the industry standard Varian VIISta ribbon beam architecture. The proprietary Precision Patterned Implant (PPI) technology simplifies the process flow to make the Solion system the most cost-effective solution for creating high efficiency solar cells. Ion implantation has sustainable value by providing a manufacturable path to higher cell efficiencies above 20% using advanced cell structures.

sri 9 years ago

brainstorm one

So, this works like that.

sri 9 years ago


oh yeah?

sri 9 years ago