

An apparancy is something that seems to be, that appears to be a certain way; something that appears to be but is different from the way it looks. In Dianetics and Scientology apparency is used to mean something that looks one way but is, in actual fact, something else. For example, a person “gives an apparency of health,” whereas he is actually sick. From the Latin, apparere, to appear.

sri 8 years ago

Communication: the interchange of ideas across space.

sri 8 years ago

theta via lambda?!

sri 8 years ago

Control: positive postulating, which is intention, and the execution thereof.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 57 - what is Order?

Order manifests when communication, control and havingness are available to theta.

sri 8 years ago


Learn something from LRH

sri 8 years ago


We alter reality in order to accommodate a lie. This is what causes problems.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 56

Theta brings order to chaos.

sri 8 years ago

Havingness: that which permits the experience of mass and pressure.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 40.

An “unsolvable problem” would have the greatest persistence.

An "unsolvable problem" would also contain the greatest number of altered facts.

To make a problem, one must introduce alter-isness.

sri 8 years ago

What lies inside a problem?

Any problem, to be a problem, must contain a lie. If it were truth, it would unmock.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 47.

Theta can resolve problems.

sri 8 years ago


sri 8 years ago

Axiom 48.

Life is a game wherein theta as the static solves the problems of theta as mest.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 41.

That into which alter-isness is introduced becomes a problem.

sri 8 years ago

mest is a burden

the physical universe—MEST—tends to encumber the thetan and cause it to act contrary to its true spiritual nature.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 11-b.

ALTER-ISNESS is the consideration which introduces change, and therefore time and persistence, into an AS-ISNESS to obtain persistency.

sri 8 years ago


If you have a Problem, there is a reason for it: something has changed from some kind of fundamental Isness that didn't have that Problem. Every Problem has a root Cause, which is that something was Altered at some point in the past.

sri 8 years ago

unmock: become nothing, disappear, cease to exist.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 46.

Theta can become a problem by its considerations, but then becomes mest.

Mest is that form of theta which is a problem.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 50. LIES

Theta as mest must contain considerations which are lies.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 56-b

Chaos brings disorder to theta.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 11-a.

AS-ISNESS is the condition of immediate creation without persistence.

AS-Isness is the condition of existence which exists at the moment of creation and the moment of destruction, and is different from other considerations in that it does not contain survival.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 11-c.

ISNESS is an apparency of existence brought about by the continuous alteration of an AS-ISNESS. This is called, when agreed upon, reality.

sri 8 years ago

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 45.

Theta can consider itself to be placed, at which moment it becomes placed, and to that degree a problem.

sri 8 years ago


All Problems are just a matter of "reality" which is simply something that is agreed upon.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 43.

Time is the primary source of untruth.

Time states the untruth of consecutive considerations.

sri 8 years ago


Reality is that which appears to be.

Reality is fundamentally agreement — what we agree to be real is real.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 49

To solve any problem it is only necessary to become theta, the solver, rather than theta, the problem.

sri 8 years ago

thinking frozen in mest

is caused by the thetan’s own experiences, whether in current or prior lives. As these experiences accumulate over time, they cause the thetan to become enmeshed with the material universe.

It is through Scientology’s central religious practices, that the thetan is able to extricate himself from this entrapment. This is analogous to the concept of salvation found in other religions.

sri 8 years ago


Chaos and disorder in one's thinking is manifested in MISCOMMUNICATION or LACK OF COMMUNICATION, in LACK OF CONTROL, in NEGATIVE POSTULATING, in the HOARDING or IGNORING of IDEAS, and ultimately in LACK OF POSSESSIONS and inexperience with heavy thinking and pressure thinking.

sri 8 years ago

What are consecutive considerations?

You think about one thing. Then you think about another thing. So it's thinking about one thing after another. The lie is that you can think about your problems and solve them over time. This is a lie, time does not solve your problems, you need power.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 15.

Creation is accomplished by the postulation of an as-isness.

sri 8 years ago


To create something, you really have to postulate something that already is sort of there, immanent, invisible to others. The ideas in LRH philosophy, he implies, were "always there", waiting for him to stumble upon. That is why others recognize greatness of true creation, because it's something that everyone actually senses is already there already.

sri 8 years ago

axiom 51 - why auditing works

Postulates and live communication not being mest and being senior to mest can accomplish change in mest without bringing about a persistence of mest. Thus auditing can occur.

sri 8 years ago

What is Theta? THOUGHT.

The term comes from the Greek letter theta (Theta), which the Greeks used to represent thought.

sri 8 years ago

The Power Of Theta

Theta has the ability to influence and change its environment and achieve total knowingness through total questioning.

sri 8 years ago


Timelessness is the solution because there are principles that solve almost any problem. Also, all problems are temporary, as long as Theta is paying attention to solving it.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 44.

Theta, the static, has no location in matter, energy, space or time, but is capable of consideration.

sri 8 years ago

Axiom 58-b

The ability to evaluate importances and unimportances is the highest faculty of logic.

sri 8 years ago

Scientology is about the MIND, which is BEYOND IT ALL.

The MIND doesn't exist in the universe. It is the only thing that can THINK.

The Mind has no location in matter. It isn't the brain.

The Mind has no location in energy. It isn't a force.

The Mind has no location in space. It isn't anywhere you can place, it's everywhere...

The Mind is Now, but it can also be moved to Consider things in the Past or the Future, right? It isn't located Now, it's located wherever it's thinking.

Your Mind can flit anywhere in the Universe, even into imaginary universes. Your Theta is totally free to explore if you just would Learn How.

sri 8 years ago

sri 8 years ago

sri 8 years ago