
How do you know?

If you KNOW it'll be huge, then do it.

It might fail if I am half-assed about it. This is not just a line extension. This is BRAND RESURRECTION!!!

sri 10 years ago


I can only code this myself. Everything else, I am helpless, you know? I can't make anything else happen myself. Think about it. Everything else that you are doing requires the actions of somebody else. Not this. Only this is the thing that I can do by myself. It's a lot better than reading books. And you can make new mugs that make you proud on an ongoing basis and announce them to your list and see what happens. If you get a mug in any TV show you'll see this take off. Yes, it's silly, but there are hundreds of millions of potential customers and owning more than one mug perhousehold is reasonable. Why "unamerican"? Tradition, brand name, and spice. I will defend it in a novel and positive way somehow, I did before, I can do it again. "Free speech". So please give me some assistance getting this done, ok?

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago


something worth advertising. if only i had never gambled i could have even advertised the mugs.

The MUGS must sell themselves, ok? It's totally critical that you spend zero on marketing until you're actually earning money from them. At that point you can buy advertising.

dvertising anything else is pissing away money because nothing else makes any money. You've shut off any revenue stream to yourself since five years ago when you quit stickernation. Making sales is ancient history to you now? So fix that at least. You'll be selling something new and original based on your art, there is nothing sad about it. Plus you will GET REVENGE and BRING IT BACK and all those things that you say you want to do.

Finally, I love typing into my Zetabook. Putting a laptop on my actual lap is a productivity breakthrough, maybe?

sri 10 years ago


What should I do today ?

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago


I will set the society6 unamerican procedure going today.

sri 10 years ago


sri 10 years ago